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How to Make Pizza in a Pan


Everyone must have eaten delicious food in their lives, but do you know pizza? Today, the editor will tell you how to make pizza in a pan, and what should you pay attention to when making pizza?


How to Make Pizza in a Pan

1. Add salt, sugar and milk to the steamed sweet potatoes.

2. Stir into a paste with a spoon.

3. Put it in a piping bag and set aside.

4. Place a burrito on the pan and spread tomato sauce on the pancake.

5. Mount sweet potato puree on the dough.

6. Add corn kernels and bacon.

7. Add cheese.

8. Cover the lid and turn on the minimum heat.

9. When the cheese melts, take it out of the pan and put it on a plate.

A pizza is now ready.

What should you pay attention to when making pizza?

1. Check whether the fermentation is normal and whether the fermentation time is sufficient.

2. Check whether the oven temperature is normal and whether the time is sufficient.

The pizza should be made fresh. Do not knead the crust and store it in the refrigerator in advance.


How to make pizza in a pan without burning it?

First step: take an appropriate amount of flour, add an appropriate amount of water to knead the dough. At this time, you need to add two eggs, an appropriate amount of yeast powder, and stir evenly. The cotton mop should be smooth, and leave it for about an hour until the dough doubles in size. Can.

Step 2: While the flour is fermenting, start preparing the ingredients. Shred the onions, dice green, red or yellow peppers, dice the ham sausage, and cut the cherry tomatoes in half.

Step 3: Roll the risen dough into a round shape, make holes with a spoon, and press the edges with a plate.

Cookware Set Cast Iron Frying Pan .jpg

Step 4: Add cooking oil to the pot and heat over low heat. Add the dough, turn it over after a few minutes. When it is half cooked, spread tomato sauce and cheese on the surface. After the cheese melts slightly, add shredded green peppers, diced yellow peppers, and banana slices. , shredded onions, diced ham, cherry tomatoes. It must be evenly spread, and finally sprinkle with shredded cheese. You can sprinkle more, and be sure to cover it with other ingredients, so that the drawing effect will be better.

Step 5: Add a small amount of water to the bottom of the pot, or cover the pot and steam slowly. During this period, you need to pay attention to check to avoid burning the pot.

Step 6: Remove from the pan. The criterion is that the cheese is melted. Gently shake the pan and the pizza will separate from the pan independently. Cut and enjoy pan pizza.

What are the commonly used ingredients for homemade pizza?

First prepare the required materials: 2 eggs, a little yellow pepper, an appropriate amount of cheese, an appropriate amount of flour, a little onion, 3 grams of salt, a ham sausage, an appropriate amount of yeast powder, a few cherry tomatoes, an appropriate amount of tomato sauce, and sliced ​​bananas .